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品牌Thermofisher Scientific/賽默飛世爾供貨周期現(xiàn)貨




P/N (SKU)ProductP/N (SKU)Product
0004-008KBr Long Pathlength Cell222-22797900 Adapter for .2mm pathlength nanoCell  
0004-068Gasket, Teflon222-22808000 Adapter for 1mm pathlength nanoCell
0004-099Viton™ O-Rings, Quantity of 5222-23181800 10 mm Square Cuvette, Holder
0004-1556 Micron Mylar Spacers (Set of 12)222-23474700 Wav Photo Accessory 0.25A + Blank
0004-238Teflon Spacers EZ 0.015 mm (Set of 12)222-23505000 Wav, Photo Accessory1A + Blank
0004-239Teflon Spacers EZ 0.025 mm (Set of 12)222-23767600 USB Controller for Smart Ark ATR
0004-240Teflon Spacers EZ 0.05 mm (Set of 12)222-23898900 Light Sealing Sample Compartment Lid
0004-241Teflon Spacers EZ 0.1 mm (Set of 12)222-24060600 Smart Thermal Ark Trough Plate
0004-242Teflon Spacers EZ 0.2 mm (Set of 12)222-24070700 Smart Thermal Ark Flat Plate
0004-243Teflon Spacers EZ 0.5 mm (Set of 12)222-24080800 HT-32 Heated Demountable Cell 24V
0004-785NaCl Prec Pl Cell 1.0 mm222-24707000 Smart iTR with Diamond Plate for iS10
0006-010Quartz Cuvette, 10 mm222-24717100 Smart iTR with ZnSe Plate
0006-01110 mm Cylindrical IR Quartz Cuvette222-24727200 Smart iTR with Diamond and Ge Plate
0006-04040 mm Rectangular IR Quartz Cuvette222-24737300 Smart iTR with ZnSe and Ge Plate
0006-050IR Quartz Cuvette, 50 mm222-24747400 DRA, Evolution 300 Diffuse Reflectance Accessory
0009-050Liquid Cell for Thunderdome222-24797900 ITR ATR Base for iS10
0012-524Torque Wrench222-26030300 Harrick Varigatr Grazing Angle ATR
0012-52650 mm Solid Sample Holder 300222-26040400 Harrick Digital Force Sensor 110V
0014-00330 30 Sc RFl 500 700268-73646400 Detector Dewar Filler Funnel (3
0014-051ZnSe Polarizer, 25 mm Slide268-80838300 Flowcell Slo Cavity, 10 mm Pl Z=15
0014-053ZnSe Polarizer, FT80268-81353500 Black Annodized Spacer 1 mm Cells
0014-39080 Grz Angle Magna 50 Series268-81373700 Black Annodized Spacer, 5 mm Cells
0016-004Par Inserts, 1.5 mm (200)268-82353500 Cell Holder for Short Path Cells
0016-005Par Inserts 1.5 mm x 9 mm 200268-82787800 USB RS232 Serial Adapter Cable
0016-007UFM Insulation Plates (Set of 2)268-83282800 600 Mg, mL Dichromate Standard
0016-008Sctra-Tech Magnetic KBr llet Holder268-83333300 Temp Controller for PM Chambers 110V Ac
0016-010Universal Film Maker and Controller268-83404000 High Pressure Dome with ZnSe Window - PM
0016-022KBr Chunks (100g)3000-014IR Stainless Needle Plat
0016-025Par Inserts - 3 mm (Set of 200)3000-0327 mm Upr Anvil
0016-026Par Inserts, 5 mm, (200)3000-033Die for Handi - Pressure
0016-111Quik Handi Pressure 7 mm Die3000-0357 mm llet Extractor, Handi
0016-112Qwik Handi Pressure Body Only3000-0393 mm Bottom Die
0016-1153 mm Die Set3000-122U701 Alumina Heater Assembly
0016-1161 mm Die Set3000-319Micro Sampling Cup for Advanced, Baseline Diffuse Reflectance
0016-1171/3" 7 mm Die Set Package3000-320Funnel for Micro Sampling Cups
0016-120Vacuum Head Adapter , Handi-Pres3000-352Sample Cup
0016-131Table, Pressure3000-354Retainer, Win Chamber Diffuser
0016-502Die Assembly, Bushing and Hose Fitting3000-368Environmental Chamber Alignment Mirror
0018-011Nichrome Heater Filaments3000-560Platten Si-Carb Sampler
0018-014Presslok Holder, 32 mm Window3007-098Volume Cover, Powder Pressure Nexus
0018-017Teflon Spacers 0.015 x 25 (Set of 12)332930-000Adapter, 1" Test Tube
0018-018Teflon Spacers 0.025 x 25 (Set of 12)332931-000Adapter, 3/4" Test Tube
0018-019Teflon Spacers 0.05 x 25 (Set of 12)332932-000Shield, S20 Light
0018-020Teflon Spacers, 0.1 x 25, (Set of 12)332992-000Filter Wide Range
0018-021Teflon Spacers 0.2 x 25, (Set of 12)333129-000Kit, Sc 20 Filter
0018-023Teflon Spacer, 25 mm Assorted333132-000Cable, Sc 20D to IBM PC RS
0018-045Viton© O-Ring-DZ (0018-014)333150-000Sctronic Standards
0019-019110V Temp Controller333158-000Filter, Holmium Ox IDe
0019-024Temrature Controller, 110V333159-000Filter, Didymium
0019-0244E 220V Temp Controller333176-000Holder, Cuvette

Smart Ark Temp Controller 110V‘’


333178-000Adapter, 1/2" Test Tube
0019-037Smart CPC Clctr Env Ch Temp Controller 110V335112-000Holder, Rectangular Longpath Cell
0019-202Heated Cooled Holder-32 mm335626-000Platform, Automatic Cell Holder
0022-002Magnetic Film Holder335911-000Holder, 50 mm Longpath Cylind
0022-010Deluxe Transmission Starter Kit for Liquid, Solid & Gas Sampling335912-000Holder, 50 mm Longpath Rectan
0022-500Advanced Transmission Starter Kit for Liquid & Solid Sampling335916-000G10 Single Cell Holder
0022-501Economy Transmission Starter Kit for Liquid & Solid Sampling335942-000Cable, RS232 G10/G20
0022-502Economy Transmission Starter Kit for Liquid, Solid & Gas Sampling335989-000Printer Biomate G10 3 Internal
0026-007Econo Gas Cell Septa (Set of 12)336012-000Holder, Cylindrical Longpath
0026-010Teflon Gasket, 20 mm Diamond (Set of 12)336014-000Holder, Test Tube
0026-503Econo Gas Cell Assembly, 100 mm336082-000Pump ristaltic G2/5
0027-899Smart Near-IR Fiberport Accessory, Nexus336088-000Printer G2 5 Internal
0028-050Sample Slide Diffusion Kit, Avatar4004-415Anvil Cell Adapter Plate
0028-051Reference Slide Diffusion, Avatar4004-650Vacuum Tweezers 110V Only
0028-150Nicolet 380 Avatar Gripr4004-652Narrow-Needle Tweezers
0028-160Baseline Gripr4004-657Micro Pln with Carbide Steel Edge
0028-250Pressure Tower, Omni Sampler4004-659Diamond Cleavage Knife/Par E
0028-297Smart Multi-Bounce HATR Combo (Liquids/Solids) for Avatar and Nicolet 3804004-663Replacement Sharp'D Needles
0028-299Smart Multi-Bounce HATR Combo (for Liquids and Solids) for Nicolet X7004004-669Replacement Blade for Mic Pln Stl
0028-397Smart Multi-Bounce HATR for Solids for Avatar and Nicolet 3804004-676Single Diamond Microplane
0028-3977T Smart Multi-Bounce HATR for Liquids for Avatar and Nicolet 3804004-686Replacement Blade S Diamond Micro
0028-399Smart Multi-Bounce HATR for Solids for Nicolet X700 and Nexus4005-293Objective Skirt
0028-3999T Smart Multi-Bounce HATR for Liquids for Nicolet X700 and Nexus4009-644Continuum Hg Replacement Bulb
0028-497Smart Diffuse Reflectance for Avatar and Nicolet 3804010-000Holder 1-Cell, G20, Epsilon
0028-499Smart Diffuse Reflectance for Nicolet X700 and Nexus4011-000Holder, 1-Cylindrical Longpath Cell,
0028-713Smart Multi-Bounce Flat Plate 45 degree Ge4012-000Holder, 50 mm Rectangular Longpath Cell
0028-803Omni Sampler Plate GE 40Deg4013172617263061 RS232 Lead to PC, 3M
0028-823Omni Sampler GE, Repair Kit4014-000COD Vial Cell Holder for 20 Genesys
0028-850Liquid Cell Assembly for Omni Sampler4015-0001" Test Tube Holder for 20 Genesys
0028-897OMNI-Sampler for the Nicolet 380 and Avatar4088-000Printer, G20 Internal
0028-899OMNI-Sampler for the Nicolet X700 and Nexus470-06474700 Liquid Nitrogen Thermos
0028-903Avatar Sb Plate ZnSe470-08151500 Sample Compartment Cover
0029-099NRX Omni, Transmission Solid Kit470-08383800 DTGS Detector
0029-250OMNI-Sampler Lightning Viewer470-08666600 Avatar Desiccant Cartridge
0030-074Collector Mattson 3/5/700470-08979700 Avatar/Nexus Sidewall Adapter (Set of 2)
0030-090Drifts Nicolet 550 750470-08989800 Avatar 380 Purge Kit
0030-099Collector, II Nexus470-10101000 Purge Window (KBr)
0030-104Ambiant Chamber470-17030300 Avatar Nicolet 380 NIST 1.5/3.0 Mil Standard Wheel
0030-126Replacement Dome ZnSe Hood470-17040400 Avatar Nicolet 380 Npl 1.5/3.0 Mil Standard Wheel
0030-129Replacement Hood Wins Coil470-17939300 Raman Solid Sample Holder
0030-130Si-Carb Sampler470-18828200 CardHolder Assembly
0030-131Diamond Par, Si-Carb, (Set of 5)470-19131300 Raman llet Sample Holder
0030-143O-Ring, 0030-103470-21767600 Diamond Crystal Plate for Smart Orbit
0030-150Dual Sample Cup Holder470-21787800 Ge Crystal Plate for Smart Orbit
0031-250Smart Ark Gripr/Nexus470-21797900 Si Crystal Plate for Smart Orbit
0031-297Nexus Smart Ark, Combo, Avatar470-21818100 Orbit Si ATR Crystal Plate
0031-299Nexus Smart Ark, Combo470-21828200 Dual Pressure Swivel Tower for Smart Orbit
0031-397Smart ARK Flat Plate Kit for Avatar and Nicolet 380470-21838300 Orbit Lighting Viewer
0031-3977T Smart ARK Trough Plate Kit for Avatar and Nicolet 380470-21848400 Scular Reflectance Plate for Smart Orbit
0031-399Smart ARK Flat Plate Kit for the Nicolet X700 & Nexus470-22121200 Diamond Swivel Slip Clutch Device
0031-3999T Smart ARK Trough Plate Kit-iS10, X700 & Nexus470-23050500 Screen Wheel
0031-4000T Smart Thermal Ark Trough Plate Upgrade470-23060600 Filter Wheel
0031-450Smart Ark Thermal Gripr470-23070700 IR Polarizer
0031-4999T Thermal Ark Trough Plate Kit, Nexus470-23080800 X700 Dual Passport Mirror Assembly
0031-602Smart ARK Trough Plate, ZnSe, 40 degree470-23323200 Emission Optic
0031-605Smart ARK Trough Plate, ZnSe, 60 degree470-23818100 X700 Aluminum Dual Passport Mirror Assembly
0031-612Smart ARK Trough Plate, Ge, 40 degree470-24898900 Nicolet x700 Remote Trigger Cable
0031-615Smart ARK Trough Plate, Ge, 60 degree470-25202000 ARQ Poly Puck Reference Sample
0031-643Smart ARK Trough Plate, AMTIR, 45 degree470-41161600 Baseplate Non-ESP Nicolet Series
0031-653Smart ARK Trough Plate, Silicon, 45 degree674-00262600 Viton Self-Maintenance O-ring Kit for FT-IR 2 meter Gas Cell
0031-703Smart ARK Flat Plate, ZnSe, 45 degree674-00272700 Viton Self-Maintenance O-ring Kit for FT-IR 10 meter Gas Cell
0031-713Smart ARK Flat Plate, Ge, 45 degree674-00282800 10 meter Gas Cell Mirror and KBr Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-714Smart ARK Flat Plate, Ge, 30 degree674-00292900 2 meter Gas Cell Mirror and KBr Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-715Smart ARK Flat Plate, Ge, 60 degree674-00303000 2 meter Gas Cell Mirror and ZnSe Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-902Dual Sample Environmental Chamber, Smart Collector674-00313100 2 meter Gas Cell Mirror and BaF2 Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-910O-Ring, Kit, Smart Collector Chamber674-00414100 10 meter Gas Cell Mirror & ZnSe Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-950Replacement CPC Chamber Assembly674-00454500 10 meter Gas Cell Mirror w/BaF2 Window Self-Maintenance Kit
0031-960Smart Collector Sample Slde Assembly699-05656500 Kalrez™ O-ring Kit for FT-IR 2 meter Gas Cell
0031-961Smart Collector Reference Slide Assembly699-05666600 Kalrez™ O-ring Kit for FT-IR 10 meter Gas Cell
0033-197Smart SAGA for Nicolet 380 and Avatar699-05676700 KBr Window Kit for Nicolet FT-IR 2 meter Gas Cell
0033-199Smart SAGA for Nicolet X700 and Nexus699-05686800 ZnSe Window Kit for 2 meter Gas Cell
0033-850Smart Endurance Pressure Tower Only699-05696900 BaF2 Window Kit for Nicolet FT-IR 2 meter Gas Cell
0033-897Smart Endurance with Pressure Tower Avatar699-05707000 KBr Window Kit for FT-IR 10 meter Gas Cell
0035-197Smart Sculator Accessory, Nicolet 380/Avatar699-05717100 ZnSe Window Kit for Nicolet FT-IR 10 meter Gas Cell
0035-199Smart Sculator Accessory, Nexus699-05727200 BaF2 Window Kit for Nicolet FT-IR 10 meter Gas Cell
0035-613Trough, GE Replacement Crystal699-05737300 Gas Cell Metric Adapter
0035-753Flat Si Replacement Crystal699-06121200 Tom Box Left Side
0039-197Smart rformer for Nicolet 380 and Avatar699-07686800 Sample Spinner Cup Powder
0039-199Smart rformer for Nicolet X700 and Nexus699-12040400 Series Colloid Kit, 30 50 70 90 nM
0039-501Low Pressure Diamond Cell7000-242KBr Rectangular 41 x 23 x 6 mm
0039-550Micrometric Pressure Device for rformer7000-257KBr Rectangular 41 x 23 x 6 mm
0039-560Swivel Lightning Viewer Pressure Tower7000-272KBr Rectangular Window 29 x 14 x 4
0039-575Flow Cell Kit7000-306ZNS Disc 13 x 2 mm
0039-603ZnSe Trough Replacement Crystal for rformer7000-368Csi Disc 20 x 2 mm
0039-613Ge Trough Replacement Crystal for rformer7000-373ZnSe Disc 20 x 2 mm
0039-643AMTIR Trough Replacement Crystal for rformer7000-408CAF2 Disc 41 x 3 mm
0039-653Si Trough Replacement Crystal for rformer7002-038Nr/ZnSe Prism 50 x 10 x 3 mm 45Deg
0039-703ZnSe Flat Replacement Crystal for rformer7002-182KRS-5 Prism 25 x 10 x 3 mm 45De
0039-713Ge Flat Replacement Crystal for rformer7004-014Alignment Mirror 102/103
0039-743AMTIR Flat Replacement Crystal for rformer7004-039Gold Reflect Mirror IR-Plan
0039-753Si Flat Replacement Crystal for rformer7005-100Micro Circle Crystal Rod ZnSe
0041-450ZnSe ATR Crystal Slider713-01616100 Nexus Front Detector Plate
0041-452Germanium ATR Crystal Slider714-00616100 Baseplate and Sample Compartment Cover
0041-460Replacement ZnSe ATR Crystal714-00626200 Sample Compartment Extender
0041-462Replacement GE ATR Crystal714-01505000 External Purge Kit
0042-435Microparticle Seration Kit840-0000Spring for 0022-001 Polishing Kit
0042-436Gold Filters, 13 mm (Set of 10)840-05616100 Nicolet 2 Meter Gas Cell with KBr Windows
0042-448Diamond Head Window with Insert Tool840-05656500 Nicolet 2 Meter Gas Cell with BaF2 Windows
0042-458Single Diamond Window Assembly840-05858500 Nicolet 10 Meter Gas Cell with ZnSe Windows
0042-475Heated Cooled Stage840-05868600 Nicolet 10 Meter Gas Cell with BaF2 Windows
0042-476Advantage Stage Cooling Option840-05888800 Nicolet 2 Meter Gas Cell with ZnSe Windows
0042-477Linkam Stage Coolng Omega Option840-06484800 Nicolet 380/Avatar External Beam Mirror
0042-491SI Replacement Crystal 15x840-06494900 Avatar Validation Wheel Mount
0042-536Glass Microsco Slides (Set of 72)840-06999900 DTGS Detector with CSi Window
0042-555Gold EZ Spot Micro Mounts (Set of 5)840-07010100 Detector MCT HI-D 
0045-312Nrsi Crystal Slider, Slideon ATR840-07020200 MCTA Detector 
0045-313GE Crystal Slider, Slideon ATR840-07030300 Detector MCTB Wide Range
0045-336Compact Joystick Module840-07050500 In Sb Detector
0045-344Micro Compartment Cell II with Diamond Window840-07060600 Detector SIL w/ Quartz Window
0045-347IR Polarizer, Continuum/Momentum840-07070700 Detector w/ Poly Window
0045-375Linkam Stage Continuum840-07202000 Nexus Desicated Option KBr
0045-40015x Infinity Objective840-07363600 NearIR InGaAs Detector
0045-40215x Infinity Reflectance Objective840-07373700 NearIR Tec InGaAs Detector
0045-40315x Infinity Refractive Condenser840-08010100 ALMega Fiber Probe Launch Optics
0045-40432x Infinity Objective840-08030300 ALMega 633 Fiber Probe
0045-40532x Infinity Reflac Condenser Variable840-08040400 ALMega 532 Fiber Probe
0045-406ATR Object Infinity ZnSe840-08090900 ALMega Trans Illumination Option
0045-407Grazing Angle Object Infinity840-08151500 Smart Golden Gate, ZnSe Lenses
0045-410Four Place Rotatable Nosepc840-08161600 Smart Golden Gate, KRS-5 Lenses
0045-420ATR Slide On GE 15x Reference840-08191900 ALMega 180Deg Refractive Option
0045-421ATR Slide On Replace Si840-08272700 Avatar 360 Sample Compartment Passthru Cable
0045-422GE Replacement Crystal Slideon ATR840-08444400 Labsphere Reflection Standards Kit
0045-424ZnSe Crystal ATR Object840-08565600 Camera Color Video Kit, ALMega
0045-425GE Crystal ATR Object840-09000000 Transflectance Probe Vribl
0045-427-427SALE Diamond Crystal for ATR Object840-09040400 Autosampler RS Accessory
0045-434Microcompression Cell II840-09070700 Antaris Non-Heated Cell Holder
0045-448Visible Polarizer Analyzer840-09111100 Auto RS 40 Position, 19 mm Carousel
0045-4554 x Glass Infinity Corrected Object840-09575700 Antaris Sample Cup Spinner Accessory
0045-45610x Glass Infinity Corrected Objective840-09767600 DTGS Cover
0045-45720 x Glass Infinity Corrected Object840-12808000 TGA Heated Transfer Line 48"
0045-45840 x Infinity Corrected Glass Objective840-12898900 BeamSplitter
0045-517Spacer Kit, Infinity Object840-12939300 BeamSplitter
0045-518Sco, External Purge Line840-12949400 BeamSplitter
0045-522Coke Sample Slide Assembly840-12959500 BeamSplitter
0045-550Continuum Sluice Motor Assembly840-13707000 Remote Start Accessory
0045-551Continuum Theta Motor Assembly840-13787800 Nicolet 10 Meter Gas Cell with KBr Windows
0045-556Near Continuum Detector Parabolic Swing Assembly840-14090900 BeamSplitter
0045-558Near Continuum Rear Detector Adjustable Platform840-14282800 ALM/Class IIIb Interlock Over
0045-561Contact Alert Sensor Plate, Antaris840-14525200 Smart Orbit for Nicolet 380 and Avatar
0047-532Rectangular Variable Arture840-14535300 Smart Orbit for Nicolet X700 and Nexus
0048-401Replace Silicon Crystal840-14545400 Orb Diamond with Swivel Viewer Nicolet 380 Avatar
0049-456ZnSe Crystal ATR Objective840-14555500 Orbit Diamond ATR with Swivel L View Nexus
0055-100Ark Base Unit840-14656500 IGS 2M Gascell 110V HT Option
0055-3999T Ark Trough Plate Kit, Nexus840-14666600 IGS 2M Gascell 220V HT Option
0055-605Ark Trough Plate 60Deg ZnSe840-14727200 Nexus TEC TGS
0055-606Ark Trough 50Deg ZnSe840-15070700 BeamSplitter
0056-100Nrthermal Ark Upgrade Package840-15080800 BeamSplitter
0056-103Thermal Ark Plate, ZnSe 45Deg840-15101000 BeamSplitter
0056-3033H Ark Flow Cell 45Deg ZnSe Hea840-15121200 BeamSplitter
0056-501Quick Fit Purge Assembly840-15575700 Seaport Accessory
0056-653HT Trough Plate ZnSe 45D840-16010100 DTGS KBr Nicolet 380 Detector
0056-991Ark Polarizer and Bracket, Magna840-16141400 Fiber Optic Probe
0070-117Foundation Base Module for Bruker840-16292900 Sample Plate with Holder
0070-136Foundation Base Module for 840-17242400 Smart NIR Integrating Sphere for Nicolet FTIR
0070-137Foundation Base Module for 840-18131300 Multipro Autosampler Opaque TB
0070-154Foundation Base Module for Horiba840-19252500 Smart OMNI Transmission Accessory
0070-167Foundation Base Module for Shimadzu840-20050500 Diamond Plate for Smart iTR
0070-176Foundation Series Base Module for IR300840-20212100 10 mm Single Cell Holder With Alum Baseplate
0070-190Foundation Base Module Only for Nicolet840-20222200 Genesys Series Recirc Tubing Kit
0071-150Foundation Gripr840-20242400 50 mm Rectangular Cell Holder with Baseplate
0071-276Sculator Swap, Top Generator840-20272700 Test Tube Holder with Baseplate
0072-200MultiBNC Combo Swap Module840-20545400 Spv Internal Standards Kit
0072-276MultiBNC Swap, Comb Generator840-21505000 UV Validator
0072-300MultiBounce ATR Flat Plate Swap-Top Module849-0006O-Ring, #002 Viton©
0072-3000T MultiBounce ATR Trough Plate Swap-Top Module849-0023840-000G #2-128:70 Duro Buna
0072-390Foundation Series with MultiBounce ATR Flat Plate Module849-0051O-Ring, 0.457 x 0.028 Viton© 75
0072-3900T Foundation Series with MultiBounce ATR Trough Plate Module860-00686800 IR100 200 Dtgs Detector Option
0072-603MultiBounce ATR ZnSe Trough Plate861-0000Camel Hair Brush-1/2
0072-613MultiBounce ATR Germanium Trough Plate869-06555500 Clean Air Pack 1.0 Scfm 110Vac
0072-653MultiBounce ATR Silicon Trough Plate869-08353500 Pike Smart Mirror ATR ZnSe
0072-703MultiBounce ATR ZnSe Flat Plate869-08373700 Pike Smart Mirror ATR Amtir
0072-713MultiBounce ATR Germanium Flat Plate869-09040400 Micro Scular Reflection Top Plate for Smart Golden Gate
0072-753MultiBounce ATR Silicon Flat Plate869-10414100 Golden Gate Adjustable Torque Wrench
0073-050Foundation Series Sample Slide Replacement Kit869-10636300 Standard KTA-1920 x NIST Trace
0073-051F-Series Reference Side Replacement Kit869-10767600 Reactive/ Air Sensitive Anvil for Smart Golden Gate
0073-400Foundation Series CPC Diffuse Swap Top Module869-10777700 Micro/Reaction Flow Cell for Smart Golden Gate
0073-490Foundation Series with CPC Diffuse Swap-Top Module869-10787800 Carver Model 4350 Pressure Eng
0074-100Foundation Series Thunderdome Swap-Top Module w/Tilt Pressure Tower869-10848400 Ge Top Plate Golden Gate
0074-190Foundation Series with Thunderdome Module and Tilt Tower869-11737300 Pike, 4 x Beam Conductor Nexus/Avatar
0074-199Thunderdome Tilt Tower Nexus869-11797900 Pike/xyz Block-Beam Cond
0074-250Lightning Viewer, F.S. Thunderdome869-11868600 Raman Sample Spinner
0076-190Endurance for Magna 50869-12909000 ZnSe Plate for Smart iTR
0078-100Foundation rformer Swap Top Module869-12919100 Ge Plate for Smart iTR
0078-176Standard Foundation rformer for Gen/IR300869-12929200 AMTIR Plate for Smart iTR
0078-190Foundation rformer Base and Swap Top Module869-12939300 Si/ZnSe 1 Bounce Plate for Smart iTR
016-70575700 Access V Stage Wellplate 4 x 3869-12949400 Ruggedized Diamond Plate for Smart iTR
056-72969608 FT-IR Sample Compartment Base869-12959500 ZnSe 3 Bounce Plate for Smart iTR
085-82020200 Cable, USB Device Cable 10'869-12969600 Diamond 3 Bounce Plate for Smart iTR
10010401Sipr, Evolution 300/600869-12979700 Scular Reflectance Plate for Smart iTR
10010721CVC NIST, Evolution 300/600 With Drive Unit870-3-323/32
10011101Variable P/L Cell Holder, Evolution 300/600870-40213/4" Inc Combination Wrench
10011201Cylindrical Cell Holder Evolution 300/600870-564S5/64" x 4" Ball Driver
10011401Intelligent Temp Probe Accessory for Evolution 300/600890-1229V/BNC to RCA Adapter
10020201Mercury Lamp, Evolution 300890-1414Continuum 9-Pin Communication Cable, Sc/Fc
10022101Evolution 600 Mercury Lamp Accessory890-1433Cable /Arture Pot Assembly
114-72666600 Filter, Avatar/Nexus Energy Screen Kit912A0570Dell Precision Workstation
122-72848400 Infrared Sensor Card 29423179317938091 Calibrated/Trace Abs Filters (Set of 9)
123-74101000 Tool, Roller Knife9423185018503001 Absorbance Standards (Set of 4)
143-76141400 Nicolet 380 Carrying Case9423185018503112 Cal/Trace Wave Filters No 241.5 (Set of 2)
2000-197llet Extractor Ring, 7 mm9423CRM9CRM9400E Ntrm Filter Set for rformance Qualification
2000-228Teflon Stopr9423UV51UV51210E 100 mm Pathlength Cylindrical Cell Holder
2000-35353-1 Magnetic Strip, ).5159423UV51UV51240E 100 mm Pathlength Rectangular Cell Holder
2000-441Hex Bar for 0022-001 Polishing Kit9423UV52UV52250E Test Tube Cell Holder
2000-442Ground Glass Pad for 0022-001 Polishing Kit9423UV52UV52300E Cell Holder Accessory One Inch
2000-443Felt Pad for 0022-001 Polishing Kit 9423UV52UV52400E Ultra-Micro Cell Holder Helios and Bio5
2000-445#400 Coarse Abrasive Compound for 0022-001 Polishing Kit9423UV53UV53400E 7 Cell Carousel G/D and UV1.
2000-446#600 Fine Abrasive Compound for 0022-001 Polishing Kit9423UV61UV61400E CVC for Alpha and Beta and UV1
2000-449Magnetic Strip 3/89423UV95UV95100E Set Of 2 Sealed Potassium Dichromate Solution
2000-450Magnetic Strip 1/49423UV95UV95200E Sealed Potassium Dichromate (Set of 6)
2000-501NO.89 Liquid Polishing Compound for 0022-001 Polishing Kit9423UV95UV95500E Sodium Iodide Stray Light Rm
2000-585Bolt Pin for Econo Pressure9423UV95UV95520E Potassium Chloride Stray Light Filter
2001-106Mirror Adjusting ToolFT04-765NaCl IR Seald Cell 0.2 mm
2004-044EZ Teflon Spacer 0.2 mmFT04-812Suprasil Quartz IR Cell.5M
2005-098Powder PressureFT54-100Needle Plate Assembly/EZ Fill Cell
2007-125Avatar Sample Slide, DiffuseFT54-727CAF2 EZ-Fill Cell 0.015 mm
2007-141Volatile Cover, Poedr PressFT54-728BAF2 EZ-Fill Cell 0.015 mm
2009-20913 mm ArtureFT54-736KBr EZ-Fill Cell 0.025 mm
2009-265Volatile Cover for Foundation Multi-Bounce ATRFT54-746KBr EZ-Fill Cell 0.050 mm
222-18848400 Objective, MPL50 x bd Na.75Wd 0.38FT54-748BAF2 EZ-Fill Cell 0.05 mm
222-18858500 Objective, LMPFL50 x bd Wd 10.60FT54-755NaCl EZ-Fill Cell 0.1 mm Path
222-19686802 IR 100/200 BeamSplitterFT54-757CAF2 EZ-Fill Cell.1 mm Path
222-21727200 Solid Sample Holder 100 mm Evolution 300/600FT54-758BAF2 EZ-Fill Cell 0.1 mm Path
222-21747400 Universal Sample HolderFT54-767CAF2 EZ-Fill Cell 0.2 mm
222-21929200 Water Bath, Heating 115V 60HzFT54-786KBr EZ-Fill Cell 1.0 mm
222-21969600 Scular Reference Accessory 45 DegFT64-029BDH EZ-Fill Flow Demount Kit
222-22646400 Wav Accessory Standard Holm, Liquid SealedFT64-756KBr EZ-Fill Flow Cell 0.1
222-22656500 Stray Light Standard Nano2FT64-757CAF2 EZ-Flow Cell 0.1 mm Path
222-22777700 UV Nano-Sample Cell  0.2mm PathFT64-776KBr EZ Flow Cell 0.5 mm
  FT64-777CAF2 EZ-Flow Cell 0.5 mm
  FT64-794ZnSe EZ-Flow Cell 1.0 mm


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